Welcome to Solebay Primary Academy
Hello and welcome! My name is Janet McKenzie and I am the Principal of Solebay Primary Academy. I feel honoured and privileged to be a part of the journey of Solebay Primary Academy since the very beginning. The children who come to this school display outstanding behaviour for learning and eagerness to learn more and demonstrate determination in all that they do.
We are clear about our values, we are clear about how we are going to achieve outstanding and we are very clear that we want our parents/carers to work with us to achieve this.
We believe great communication and support between parents/carers and our school team is key to a child’s successful school experience.
Parents and community
Parents play a really important part in the life of our school. They play a particularly important part in their own children’s learning. We encourage parents to come into school at every opportunity.
We encourage parents to help in classrooms, to be available to go on school trips and to come into assemblies, but the first thing we ask them to do is to get their children to come to school on time and to be really ready to learn.
It’s important that your child attends school every day and on time. Every day matters, every minute counts. School helps your child develop important relationships, take part in all of the curriculum and ensure that they develop friendships later on.
We are an inclusive school, which means that we feel that every child should be able to participate in every aspect of school life with a sense of belonging and a sense of being valued.
We do this by using a nurturing approach and through activities which promote social skills and emotional development, and we do this within a safe, affirming and consistent environment.
Our SENCO is Reine Geldenhuys, who can be contacted via the school office.