
News | November 6, 2015

Children in Need

We are raising money for Children in Need!!

Non uniform day on Friday 13th November – please bring along 50p for charity!
(All year groups except year 1 as they are on an educational visit)
Bake sale after school on Friday 13th November at Mile End Park.

Please bring in cakes for our bake sale!

Thank you for helping us raise money for Children in Need!

News | November 6, 2015

Newsletter 061115

Read to find out more information about:

  • parent/carer consultations
  • attendance and punctuality week

and lots more…

SPA Newsletter 061115

General, Paradigm Trust news | October 29, 2015

Train to Teach Roadshow – Tuesday 10 November 2015 at Trinity Park, Ipswich

Paradigm Trust is pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at the Train to Teach Roadshow event on Tuesday 10 November 2015 at Trinity Park, Ipswich. The event will be open to the public between 5 and 8pm. Information will be available as to the primary and secondary opportunities available within Paradigm Trust, both in Ipswich and in London. Information concerning our subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) offer  will also be available.

Further information, including booking, is available here.

Diary date – Paradigm Trust will also be exhibiting at the Chelmsford event (24 November) and the Norwich event (11 February 2016).

News | October 23, 2015

Attendance Newsletter Autumn 1

See which class has had the best attendance this half term!

Attendance newsletter 231015

News | October 23, 2015

Letter from Janet 231015

Read to find out more about:

  • important dates
  • values

and lots more…

SPA JB letter 231015

News | October 22, 2015

Core knowledge document – Y1 to Y5

Year 1 – Year 5 pupils will study the topic of Christianity in Autumn 2. Please read the core knowledge document and teach your child/ren the vocabulary and important information. This will help him/her to start work on the topic swiftly after half term.

Core Knowledge Christianity Autumn 2

News | October 19, 2015

Newsletter 161015

Read to find out further information regarding:

  • after school clubs
  • science day

and lots more…..

SPA Newsletter 161015

News | October 16, 2015

Letter from Janet

SPA JB letter 121015

General, Paradigm Trust news | October 14, 2015

Train to teach with Paradigm – applications open on 27 October

We offer initial teacher education (primary and secondary, all subject areas) through our salaried School Direct programme. As a trainee teacher you will have access to invaluable school and classroom experience that will equip you with the knowledge, skills and experience you will need to become an excellent class teacher.

This programme is for graduates and career changer graduates wishing to train to become teachers. We are also able to offer parallel, salaried training opportunities for strong candidates (secondary only) who do not have a degree but who can demonstrate clear aptitude and desire to develop a teaching career. We would consider applications for salaried training places from school leavers who have, or are predicted to achieve, strong A levels (or equivalent) and can demonstrate an interest in, and experience of, working with children and young people.

More information is available here.

News | October 2, 2015

Newsletter 021015

Read to find out who the star pupils are!

SPA Newsletter 021015

Last updated October 2, 2015