In England, it is estimated that 14.6% of all pupils have a Special Educational Need (SEN). Many of these children and young people, particularly those with complex SEN needs, too often end up outside mainstream education, despite parents/carers and the children themselves having a strong preference for effective inclusion. Solebay Primary Academy is an inclusive school and we believe every child has the ability to access the National Curriculum if we make the right provision.
Our policy is to make sure parents/carers and pupils are consulted and collaborated with closely throughout their time at our school. We create a safe, affirming and consistent environment for pupils, and provide activities which promote social skills and emotional development.
We, and all the schools which are part of Paradigm Trust, believe transition should be an ongoing process throughout the academic year; ensuring good practice and vital pupil information is adequately shared. The transition for SEN pupils joining us at nursery or reception stage begins in the spring term when our staff complete home visits to introduce themselves to the child and their parents/carers. For pupils who have an EHCP and identified needs, our SENCo will arrange additional transition visits to really become familiar to and with the child, and hold multi-professional meetings to develop a transition plan which will fully support them.
We monitor and review the provision put in place for all pupils with an EHC plan, looking at the education, health and care plan each year. Tracking and assessment data can be accessed through the school’s termly reporting structure as well as at annual parent/carer consultation evenings. Our SENCo, Reine Geldenhuys, is the primary liaison for families and external professionals working with pupils with SEN, and we also have an extensive pastoral system to provide additional support.
Outside experts are regularly brought in to boost the support we can give to our SEN pupils, such as speech and language therapists from Blossom Tree, who come in and assess children’s needs, working closely with our teaching staff so we can give the most effective support.
When it comes to making the transition from year 6 into year 7 and secondary school we make this process as smooth as possible. We will liaise with the SENCo at the secondary school to ensure they have all the relevant information, so they can plan ahead and be certain how they will be able to meet the pupil’s needs. We will also arrange a number of extra transition visits with the SENCo at the secondary school so they can observe and work with the child, further supporting transition.
We believe that our pragmatic, integrated and inclusive approach to SEN provision is the best way to offer value to the communities we serve. By encouraging adults and children with a wide range of needs to work and play together, we can promote tolerance and understanding.
If you would like to find out more about SEN provision at Solebay Primary Academy, please contact Reine Geldenhuys on 020 8980 2414 to discuss it.