
News | April 15, 2015

Parent/carer tea/coffee morning!

Friday 17th April 9.15am

Please come along for tea/coffee, biscuits and maybe even a cake or two, from 9.15am for an hour or so.

Please come along for tea/coffee, biscuits and maybe even a cake or two, from 9.15am for an hour or so.

After a great first tea/coffee morning last term, we have set up a Parent/Carer Forum, an organising body to facilitate and encourage parents/carers to get creatively involved with the school. Whatever skills/time you have to offer, from running an art workshop to simply baking a cake at the Summer Fair this term, we would love you to get involved.

Come and discuss more ideas over a cup of tea/coffee on Friday 17th April.

News | March 26, 2015

Questions and comments

Further information regarding drop off and collection.

SPA STP Q&A 250315

News | March 24, 2015

EGGciting opportunity! – Culloden Primary Academy Easter holiday programme

Culloden Primary Academy
Holiday Programme
Monday 30th March – Thursday 2nd April
Tuesday 7th April – Friday 10th April 2015
At Culloden Primary A Paradigm Academy
All ages from 5 -11

Culloden Primary Academy is running an exciting holiday programme during the Spring Break. The programme will run from the school.

There will be a range of activities including:

  • Sports & Games
  • Arts & crafts
  • Cooking
  • Easter activities and more…

Activities will run from 9.15am until 5.30pm every day.

A maximum of 30 children only so please be quick to book a place.

There will also be breakfast available before the activities from 8.00am – 9.15am Please make sure that your child brings a packed lunch and a snack for the afternoon. There will be juice and bagels available throughout the day until 5.30pm.

The costs are listed below:


Cost £7.00 per day 8.00am – 5.30pm

Breakfast 8.00am – 9.15am
Main Session (9.15am – 4PM)
Afternoon Chillout 4PM – 5.30PM

You can enrol on the programme by picking up an enrolment form from Solebay Primary Academy’s administration office.

You must enrol before the programme starts.

 Enrolments will be taken in the playground at Culloden Primary Academy from 8.45am -9.10am and 3.30pm – 4.00pm on 24th, 25th and 26th March 2015 in the playground or at the school administration office. 

Please pay in full when you register your child.

Letters to families, News | March 24, 2015

Important letter on behalf of Paradigm Trust

Announcement from the Chairman of the Board of Directors  for Paradigm Trust.


News | March 19, 2015

EGGciting opportunity! – Old Ford Primary Academy Easter holiday programme

Old Ford Primary Academy
Holiday Programme
Monday 30th March – Thursday 2nd April
Tuesday 7th April – Friday 10th April 2015
At Old Ford Primary A Paradigm Academy
All ages from 5 -11

Old Ford Primary Academy is running an exciting holiday programme during the Spring Break. The programme will run from the school.

There will be a range of activities including:

  • A visit to the Docklands Museum & Greenwich Park
  • Sports & Games
  • Arts & crafts
  • Cooking
  • Easter activities and more…

Activities will run from 10.00am until 4.00pm every day. A maximum of 30 children only are allowed on visit days. There will also be childcare available before the activities from 8.00am – 10.00am and in the afternoon from 4.00pm -6.00pm.

The costs are listed below:

Session Cost
Early Bird (8am) £1:00
Main Session (10am – 4PM) £4:00
Afternoon Chillout 4PM – 6PM £1:00

You can enrol on the programme by picking up an enrolment form from Solebay Primary Academy’s administration office.
You must enrol before the programme starts.
Enrolments will be taken in the lower hall at Old Ford Primary Academy from 9.00am -9.15am on 19th and 20th March 2015 or at the school administration office.
You can pay in full or you can send payment along with your child at the beginning of each day.


News | March 19, 2015

Important – Eid closure

Letter contains important information regarding Eid closure.

SPA Eid closure letter 180315

News | March 13, 2015

Parent/carer tea/coffee morning!

Parent/carer tea/coffee morning
Friday 20th March 9.05am

Please come along for tea/coffee, biscuits and maybe even a cake or two, from 9.05am for an hour or so.

After a great first parent/carer meeting last week, we are going to set up a Parent/Carer Forum, an organising body to facilitate and encourage parents/carers to get creatively involved with the school.

Whatever skills/time you have to offer, from running an art workshop to simply baking a cake at the Summer Fair next term, we would love you to get involved.

Come and discuss ideas over a cup of tea/coffee on Friday 20th March.

All the best,

Sophie (Reception Red Mum) on behalf of the Parent/Carer Forum

News | March 11, 2015

Important information – parent consultation

In order to book a time to meet your child’s/children’s teacher/s for a parent consultation the following system will apply.

Thanjima, Janet and Amanda shall be at drop off and collection in Mile End Park (on most days) with the x6 clipboards with timeslots available. You will be able to choose a slot (10-15 minutes) from 9.15am to 5.30pm on the following days.

Date Class Teacher
Monday 23rd March 2 Red
2/3/4 Blue
Wednesday 25th March Reception Red
Reception Blue
Friday 27th March 1 Red
1 Blue

If you do not see us or are unable to come to collection, please telephone the administration office on 020 8980 2414 to book a suitable timeslot.

News | March 5, 2015

Improving school attendance – mind the gap!

News | February 27, 2015

Wrapped up!

This week in Year 3/4 Cookery, our super chefs have been learning about where food comes from. We made healthy wholemeal salmon or tuna wraps, packed with cucumber and thinly sliced lettuce.

Rolling the wraps was quite tricky, but everyone managed to take two home!

DSCF2579  DSCF2584

Last updated February 27, 2015