
News | December 1, 2017

Letter from Janet 011217

Read this week’s letter from Janet for important dates and more!

SPA JB letter 011127

News | November 24, 2017

Newsletter 241117

Read this week’s newsletter to find out who has been a star pupil!

SPA Newsletter 241117

News | November 22, 2017

Open day for Reception 2018

Parents/carers are invited to come along to Reception Open days on the following dates and times:

Tuesday 28th November at 9am or Thursday 14th December at 9am


News | November 13, 2017

Academy Council Election

The Academy Council member is an important role; it oversees the development of the school in order to ensure that children have the best education possible while they are at Solebay Primary Academy. The Academy Council members work as a team, in partnership with the Principal and other stakeholders to promote continuous improvement in the performance of the school.

The deadline to return the ballot paper to the administration office is Wednesday 15th November 2017 at 4pm.

News | November 10, 2017

Newsletter 101117

SPA Newsletter 101117

News | November 3, 2017

Letter from Janet 031117

SPA JB letter 031117

News | October 31, 2017

Attendance and punctuality expectations

We are working to improve daily attendance, persistent absence from school and late comers in the mornings.

A good education gives a child the best possible start in life. We must ensure that all our pupils have an equal chance to make good use of the education that the school offers by providing a positive and encouraging atmosphere. To achieve this it is important that each child attends school regularly and punctually. When a child does not attend school regularly and on time they will have difficulty keeping up with their work and will therefore underachieve.

The school recognises that parents/carers have a vital role to play in supporting and encouraging good attendance and punctuality. By accepting responsibility in partnership with the school, we can work together to ensure the children’s right to a full education, as well as enabling parents/carers to fulfil their legal responsibility.

It is very important for all children to attend school every day and to arrive on time. School starts promptly at 8.55am and they should arrive in good time to line up in the Park at 8.45am. This is essential to ensure that children benefit fully from classroom learning and that other children’s learning is not disrupted. We therefore have a strict punctuality procedure. When a child arrives after 9.00am the parent/carer is required to wait with their child until the next break in learning. A meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team will be arranged to help them with strategies to prevent lateness from occurring.

To help with punctuality, there is a breakfast club in the small hall from 8.00am. Please speak to a member of the administration team to find out if there are spaces.

Not only does lateness make a bad start to the day, arrival after 9.30am is considered half a day’s absence. All lateness/attendance is recorded and monitored by the school and the Attendance Welfare Advisor (AWA). The AWA visits the school every week during the term time and checks the school’s attendance registers.  If any child is absent from the school on a regular basis, is frequently late, or has a number of unauthorised absences, the AWA will meet with the parents/carers to address the concerns.

Usually, the only acceptable reason for a pupil to miss a day of school is if they are too ill to attend. If this is the case, you should ring the school office by 8.30am with a valid medical reason. If you are not sure in the morning whether your child is well enough for school, we suggest you send them in. We can always call you if they become too ill to get through the day. In some cases we will require parents/carers to provide proof of the illness.

It is not acceptable to take children out of school for birthdays, family holidays, to visit relatives abroad, family weddings or any other special events during term time and these absences will not be authorised.

In exceptional circumstances permission may be sought from the Principal and every case will be treated individually.

Medical appointments should be made out of school hours if at all possible. If your child has to see a doctor or dentist in school time they should attend school for as much of the day as possible. It is not permitted to take a whole day off school for a medical appointment unless the appointment lasts all day.

Thank you for your co-operation.

News | October 6, 2017

Newsletter 061017

SPA Newsletter 061017

News | September 18, 2017

Meet the teacher meetings

All parents and carers of children in each year group are invited to attend a meeting to meet some of the adults who work with your children.  The meetings will take place over the next two weeks on different days and times for each year group. Please come to the main entrance after drop off in the Park. During the meeting you will be given important information about:

  • the curriculum that will be covered during the course of this year, and how this curriculum will be organised
  • information on mathematics and English assessments
  • ways in which you can support your child’s learning
  • general information on PE, homework etc.
    • There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions.
    • The meeting will start at 9am and finish promptly at 9.25am, as teachers need to be back in class teaching.

18th September – Reception

19th September – Y2

20th September – Y1

21st September – Y3

22nd September – Y4

25th September – Y5/Y6

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting/s.

News | September 18, 2017

Welcome back letter from Janet 150917

SPA JB letter 150917

Last updated September 18, 2017