
News | March 1, 2018

School open as normal today

News | February 28, 2018

World Book Day 2018

Pupils may come to school dressed as their favourite book character in celebration of World Book Day 2018 on Thursday 1st March.


News | February 28, 2018

School open as normal today

News | February 20, 2018

World Book Day 2018

On Thursday 1st March 2018, we will be celebrating World Book Day. All pupils can come into school dressed as their favourite book character. We look forward to seeing the different book characters!



News | February 9, 2018

End of half term letter

Please see link below to Janet’s end of half term letter.

SPA JB letter 090218

News | January 19, 2018

Letter from Janet

SPA JB letter 190118

News | January 19, 2018

Nursery reopening – April 2018

If you require a nursery place for your child for April 2018 or September 2018, please collect an admissions form from the administration office and return it no later than Friday 2nd March.  You will be invited in for a pre-visit with your child during the week commencing 19th March. If you have any questions regarding this please contact the school administration office.

News | December 20, 2017

Drop off and collection – reminder

To ensure the safety of all pupils who attend Solebay Primary Academy, we all need to be vigilant at the start and the end of the day. It is a joint responsibility regarding the safety of the pupils; therefore I would ask you to adhere to these arrangements.

The drop-off/collection point is in Mile End Park, at the side of the Park near the bridge over Regent’s Canal at the end of Solebay Street. As parents/carers drop off the children, the pupils are assembled by members of staff into separate class groups. No fewer than 2 members of staff, wearing high visibility vests, supervise each group. Parents/carers are reminded to drop-off their child/ren at 8.45.am.

Pupils, who travel to the Park by bicycle or scooter, dismount before lining up with their class. Parents/carers are then responsible for their child’s equipment. Bicycles and scooters can be safely secured at the school in a locked cycle storage unit. (Please see the administration team regarding a space in the unit).

At 8.50am, the groups leave the Park, with a short interval between each. It takes about 7 minutes to walk between the Park and the school. Pupils walk in their class groups, in an orderly fashion in pairs, along the pavement on the opposite side to Sneath Engineering’s premises (to avoid its vehicle entrances). The supervisors carefully watch each group as it walks along (no running is permitted); one of them is at the back, one in the middle (if staff numbers permit) and one in front of each group. Each group stops and waits until the ‘all clear’ is given before crossing Emmott Close and before being escorted across Solebay Street to the School (waiting around outside the school is not permitted).

Members of staff bring each class group straight to their classrooms via one of two entrances, so as to reduce congestion and waiting time on the pavement to a minimum: pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5 enter through the visitor’s door at the corner of Toby Lane and Solebay Street; pupils in Year Reception, Year 1, 2 and 6 enter via the fire escape exit on Solebay Street.

The cycle storage unit is located next to the main entrance. All pupils must be safely in the building before the premises manager can assist parents/carers in using the storage unit, if required.
Parents/carers can take bicycles and scooters out of the cycle storage unit at the end of the day before pupils leave the building to travel to the park or once the pupils have left the building to travel to the park.

The procedure for collection works in the same manner, but in reverse: each class leaves the building under the supervision of a minimum of x2/3 members of staff, with a short interval between each group, and walks to Mile End Park on the same side of Solebay Street as the drop-off walk. As soon as each group gets to Mile End Park, parents/carers collect their children from the care of the members of staff. Pupils remain under staff care and supervision until they are collected; if a parent/carer is late, the pupil will be escorted back to school to await collection from there.

Pupils attending breakfast club are dropped off at the school between 8.00am and 8.15am and then escorted to the Park at 8.45am to join their class lines.  Pupils attending after-school clubs or additional teaching lessons are collected from school at the given time.

If you are late in the morning, please do not allow your child/ren to run down Solebay Street unaccompanied to join their line.  This is not permitted. Do not put your child in the line as the class are walking along the pavement.  If you miss your child/ren’s class in the Park then it is your responsibility to take your child/ren to the administration office where you must sign your child/ren in.  These arrangements will not change according to the weather.

Please help us to keep all pupils safe by following these simple arrangements.

Thank you for your co-operation.



News | December 20, 2017

Letter from Janet

SPA JB letter 201217

News | December 11, 2017

Newsletter 081217

Read the latest newsletter for important dates and to find out who has been a star pupil this week!


SPA Newsletter 081217

Last updated December 11, 2017