
News | April 28, 2015

Public Bank Holiday 040515

All parents/carers are reminded that it is a Public Bank Holiday on Monday 4th May 2015. All pupils must return to School on Tuesday 5th May 2015.

News | April 24, 2015

Visitors from New Zealand

This week we hosted an exciting visit from Headteachers and senior staff from schools in New Zealand. They had the opportunity to visit all our classes to observe teaching and learning. Thank you to all the staff and pupils who made this visit a huge success! The visitors were very impressed with standards and the classroom environments.



General, Letters to families | April 22, 2015

Important announcement 220415

Please read for more information regarding the appointment of Interim Principal at Solebay Primary Academy.

Paradigm Trust Letter for SPA families 220415

Letters to families | April 22, 2015

Letter from Amanda – 200415

Please read for important information regarding suncare and the upcoming Governors’ surgery.

SPA AP letter to families 200415

School newsletters | April 17, 2015

Solebay newsletter 170415

  • Star pupils!
  • New lunchtime equipment
  • Attendance and punctuality focus week

and lots more…

SPA Newsletter 170415

News | April 15, 2015

Parent/carer tea/coffee morning!

Friday 17th April 9.15am

Please come along for tea/coffee, biscuits and maybe even a cake or two, from 9.15am for an hour or so.

Please come along for tea/coffee, biscuits and maybe even a cake or two, from 9.15am for an hour or so.

After a great first tea/coffee morning last term, we have set up a Parent/Carer Forum, an organising body to facilitate and encourage parents/carers to get creatively involved with the school. Whatever skills/time you have to offer, from running an art workshop to simply baking a cake at the Summer Fair this term, we would love you to get involved.

Come and discuss more ideas over a cup of tea/coffee on Friday 17th April.

General | April 10, 2015

Ducklings in Reception!

Pupils in Reception have had the opportunity to see ducks hatch and had a live experience of seeing a duck hatch from an egg. They saw the ducks grow and helped to care for them and even saw the ducks have their first ever swim! The pupils really enjoyed this experience and have had lots of fun learning about ducks and where they come from. We will miss our cuddly little friends!


General | March 30, 2015

Time travel…

x4 of our staff, who are actors, took the Year 1 – Year 4 pupils on a time travel journey to the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages to meet our ancestors!

DSCF2642 DSCF2644 DSCF2647

It was great fun and reinforced all that the pupils have been learning.

Letters to families | March 30, 2015

Letter from Amanda – 270315

Information regarding:

  • free school meal applications
  • next term’s topic for Y1-Y4
  • ducklings

and lots more!

SPA AP letter to families 270315

School newsletters | March 30, 2015

Attendance newsletter 270315

  • Find out which class has the best attendance and the pupils who have achieved 100% attendance!


Last updated March 30, 2015