
General, News | June 19, 2020

Our re-opening plans

General, News | June 17, 2020

An update from Tower Hamlets Healthy Lives team

Please click to read the latest update from Tower Hamlets Healthy Lives team

Uncategorised | June 1, 2020

Idea Store: Story Time online

The Idea Store staff will continue to provide Story Time every day, Monday to Saturday at 10:30am. Here you can watch Idea Store staff sharing a favourite book or singing some of our favourite nursery rhymes from their home. Join in, make some noise and have some fun!


Letters to families | May 29, 2020

Reopening: letter to parents

General, News | May 14, 2020

Laugh, Stretch and Zentangle

Please click here for the latest update from Tower Hamlets Healthy Lives, including ways to keep morale up during these uncertain times.

General, News | May 5, 2020

Theater Fun for Adults & Children

The Tower Hamlets Healthy Lives team have compiled a list of Theater Productions that can be enjoyed by Children and Adults alike, from the comfort and safety of their own home. See below link for more:


News, School newsletters | April 30, 2020

Lockdown ideas from the Healthier Lives team at Tower Hamlets

The Tower Hamlets Healthy Lives team have provided some safe ideas for things to do during these uncertain times. Visit the link below for more:


Uncategorised | April 25, 2020

Healthy Lives Update

Healthy Lives Daily Update

Hello everyone! Over the next month many local people will be observing Ramadan, the most spiritual month in the Islamic calendar.  The Healthy Lives Team wishes you good health and Ramadan Mubarak.

The Healthy Lives Team have put together a Special Edition focusing on the Bromley by Bow Centre; full of information, ideas and resources to support you and your family.

Bromley by Bow Centre

Aimed at: All


The Bromley by Bow centre offers a pioneering approach to creating healthy, vibrant communities.  It combines an extensive neighbourhood hub, medical practice and a community research project.  This year the charity celebrates their 35 anniversary and identifies this as ‘special year of celebration’.

Community Hub

Supports families, young people and adults to achieve their goals, gain confidence and transform their lives; encompassing the learning of new skills, improving health and well-being and finding employment.

Health Centres

Primary Care Services are offered across three sites: Bromley by Bow, XX Place and St Andrews.  The website provides a facility to register as a patient, access local or national support, as well as self- care advice.


The insights team work across their organisation and the community to ‘better understand, develop and share the centres principles, model and learning’.  The website provides sections on knowledge sharing, social prescribing development and training, research, and news and resources.

Continued support during the Coronavirus outbreak

The centre is currently closed to visitors because of the coronavirus outbreak, but their team have set up a range of direct phone numbers that can be accessed Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm. Further information can be found in the link below:

Virtual Family Playrooms at Bromley by Bow Centre

Family playrooms offers a digital activity group for families with children aged 0-11; the intention is to keep children healthy and entertained.  There are 9 virtual rooms, each filled with resources, top tips and fun things to do. Children can earn badges for completed activities and participants are encouraged to share their pictures and success stories with the wider community.

Some highlights from Bromley by Bow Centre ‘Discovery Platform virtual Room’ include:

James Dyson Foundation Challenge Cards:

There are 6 challenges set by Dyson engineers, which use resources commonly found in the home.  They encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering.

The Spaghetti Bridge challenge

This bridge themed challenge asks ‘can you build a spaghetti bridge that is strong enough to hold a bag of sugar?’  Embedded videos provide a starting point, where Dyson Engineers attempt the challenge themselves; they build a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge in this example!


Cardboard Boat Challenge

This nautical themed challenge asks ‘can you build a boat from cardboard that is’ strong enough to float, even with a weight on board?’  An example video is provided by the engineers.


Make a Periscope Challenge

Would you like to see around corners using just a cardboard box?  The video challenge explains how periscopes work and provides guidance on how to make your own.


BBC Earth Kids provides the best of clips from the BBC’s natural history programmes, specially curated for curious explores.  The engaging site is packed with fun facts, inspiring hosts, amazing creatures and information about our planet.


“If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together…there is something you must remember.  You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.  But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you”.

-The House at Pooh Corner by A.A.Milne

General, Letters to families | April 20, 2020

Welcome back


General | April 2, 2020

LBTH Guidance on COVID-19

Here is some guidance from London Borough of Tower Hamlets on the ongoing situation with Coronavirus.



Last updated April 3, 2020